Referral program
Give your 10% discount to friends and once their order is approved, receive 10% credit to use on your own orders.
Give your discount to friends
They get 10% off
You get 10% from what they pay
To get your personal code or link -
The more you invite,
the more you earn!
the more you earn!
5 friends - $25 reward
10 friends - $50 reward
20 friends - $100 reward
50 friends - $250 reward
Reseller info
Take a percentage as your order-processing fee. This can be your first small or big start-up.
Help your friends by becoming their tutor:
- order what they need,
- clarify all the details,
- get all the sources,
- ask for any changes to be made,
- provide wow service,
- get the first experience for your resume!
Manage orders for a percentage of the cost.
As a reseller, you get:
VIP extra free
free for a month to optimize your time
Personal manager
to help your business, build a site, launch ads…